
The Bertoni Archiepiscopal University Hall of Residence has 114 beds on five floors and the following types of accommodation:

  • 80 single rooms with shared bathroom
  • 8 double rooms with shared bathroom
  • 8 double rooms with en suite bathroom
  • 2 single rooms with en suite bathroom

The Bertoni University Hall of Residence reception is open from 8 a.m. to midnight, Monday to Saturday.
From 9 a.m. to midnight on Sundays.

At all other times, the building can only be accessed by entering a numerical combination on the keypad at the entrance.

The building is equipped with Wi-Fi and a video-surveillance system.

The annual fee includes daily cleaning of common areas, twice-weekly room cleaning and a weekly change of bed linen.
Waste is sorted for collection at the Hall of Residence.

Each room is assigned a shared bathroom, with a maximum of 4 persons per bathroom.

The Hall of Residence features sunny, comfortable and functional spaces set up for individual and group study, cultural activities, worship and free time:

  • reception;
  • shared kitchen with induction hobs, electric ovens, microwave ovens, fridges and personal cupboards;
  • multifunctional lounge with table football, table tennis, board games, also ideal for meetings, parties and screenings;
  • TV room with reading corner;
  • vending machines with snacks and hot/cold beverages in the canteen;
  • three study rooms on floors;
  • self-service dining room; chapel;
  • laundry-ironing room with coin-operated washing machines and dryers;
  • fridges, microwave ovens;
  • two lifts;
  • terrace on the 4th floor.

Join the Hall of Residence

La nostra storia

La Fondazione La Vincenziana rientra tra le attività della Diocesi di Milano.

La sua costituzione risale all’11 maggio 1934 come ente ecclesiastico e al 18 maggio 1935 come ente civilmente riconosciuto, ad opera del Cardinale Alfredo Ildefonso Schuster il quale le attribuì il “fine essenziale della assistenza religiosa ai giovani operai che non hanno famiglia a Milano”.

In quell’epoca, infatti, molti giovani provenienti da paesi rurali della Lombardia e di altre zone d’Italia trovavano lavoro a Milano dove però rischiavano di “perdersi”; a loro, perciò, veniva offerta dalla Fondazione l’accoglienza in un Pensionato, diretto da un sacerdote, dove potevano trovare un clima familiare, un aiuto ad affrontare le difficoltà della vita lontana da casa e una guida per crescere nella fede.

Negli anni ’70 l’attività della Fondazione si è ampliata con la gestione di alcuni Collegi per studenti universitari nella città di Milano e con quella di diversi Pensionati per lavoratori fatti costruire dalla Fondazione Opere Sociali della Cassa di Risparmio delle Province Lombarde per ospitare i lavoratori immigrati provenienti dal Sud Italia.

Attualmente le strutture di accoglienza che fanno capo alla Fondazione sono:

  • Collegio Universitario San Paolo
  • Collegio Universitario San Filippo Neri
  • Casa Universitaria Bertoni

La Fondazione, ente senza fine di lucro, è amministrata da un Consiglio formato da cinque persone (un presidente e quattro consiglieri), nominate dall’Arcivescovo, e ha sede in piazza Fontana 2 a Milano.

Our history

Fondazione La Vincenziana is part of the activities of the Milan Diocese.

It was founded as an ecclesiastical body on 11 May 1934 and as a body recognised under civil law on 18 May 1935 by Cardinal Alfredo Ildefonso Schuster, who bestowed on it the “essential purpose of providing religious assistance to young workers without family in Milan”.

Indeed, at that time, many young men from villages in Lombardy and other Italian regions found work in Milan but ran the risk of “losing their way”. Instead, the Foundation offered them accommodation in a Hostel run by a priest, where they could enjoy a family atmosphere, assistance with the difficulties of life away from home and guidance to grow in the faith.

In the 1970s, the Foundation expanded its activities when it began managing a few Halls of Residence for university students in the city of Milan and various Hostels for workers that Fondazione Opere Sociali della Cassa di Risparmio delle Province Lombarde (the Social Works Foundation of the Lombardy Province Savings Banks) had built for migrant workers from Southern Italy.

Today, the Foundation runs the following accommodation facilities:

  • San Paolo University Hall of Residence
  • San Filippo Neri University Hall of Residence
  • Bertoni University House
  • St. Maria del Rosario University Residence

The Foundation is a non-profit organisation managed by a Board of five people (one chairman and four directors) appointed by the Archbishop. It is based in Piazza Fontana 2, Milan.